COVID-19 and Our Commitment to Your Safety

Dear Greater Houston Orthodontics Patients,

In order to ensure the safety of our patients, our team and the community at large during the COVID-19 outbreak, we are proactively adapting the way that we provide orthodontic treatment. What this means for you:

-As of this Thursday, regular appointments will now be conducted virtually, by videoconference.
-Dental Monitoring patients will continue as usual, with weekly remote checkups.
-For Invisalign, you may come by to pick-up additional aligners for the next 8 weeks. Call us when you’re coming and we’ll leave aligners outside the office door for you.
-For our retainer patients, we will verify with you if your retainers fit well, and may ask you to send photos of you wearing your retainers to us.
-Emergencies will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please call (713) 464-7777 and we’ll work with you.
-New patient consultations will be conducted virtually.

We will reach out shortly if you have an upcoming appointment to discuss the best option for your family.

Please know that we remain committed to the importance of your healthcare, comfort and safety. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 updates, and will communicate further based on the expert advice of government departments, public health authorities and healthcare professionals.

We promise to keep you updated through this dynamic situation, and we look forward to continuing to make you smile!

Stay well,
Dr. Amir Davoody
Dr. Rana Mehr
Dr. Niloufar Azami
Dr. Adam Skrypczak

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