Lets Get Moving! With Greater Houston Orthodontics

May is National Fitness and Sports Month, so let’s all take advantage of the warmer weather and Beyonce to get moving with exercise and healthier lifestyles to improve physical fitness.

Active kids do better with 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Research shows that when children are physically active, they achieve higher grades, record better attendance, and their behavior improves. Both exercise and a healthy diet go hand in hand to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle.

First Lady Michelle Obama launched the Lets Move! initiative in 2010 to solve the epidemic of childhood obesity within a generation.. This year marks its 5th Anniversary. National Physical Fitness and Sports month is a great time to further promote the Lets Move program.

To get all patients and their families moving in Houston TX, Dr. Amir Davoody and his team at Greater Houston Orthodontics recommend we all join Beyonce and dance to her “Let’s Move” video below created to jump start fun lifelong exercise habits.

No matter what your age, even if you are a couch potato and would rather watch the video than dance, simply moving from the coach to the floor and doing some exercise helps. Don’t forget to do sit-ups or push-ups while you’re watching television or movies too! It can help you shape up in no time!

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